Successful Examples of Cooperatively Owned Businesses

Equal Exchange Worker Owned Fair Trade importers

At Equal Exchange we all walk around like we own the place. That's because we all do! Our co-op has over 130 worker-owners, each with an equal stake - and an equal vote - in our business. We believe that we should expect no less from ourselves and each other than we demand of our farmer partners. For that reason we have organized ourselves as a democratic worker co-operative, now one of the largest in the country. 

The concepts are quite simple: 

the right to vote (one vote per employee, not per share); 
the right to serve as leader (i.e. board director); 
the right to information; 
the right to speak your mind.

Imports coffee almonds, mangoes, cashews, pecans, raisins, dates, Chocolate Chips, cocoa powder, olive oil and cous cous. 

(http:www.equal 7/13/20)


The Mondragon Cooperative Featured on Deutche Walle

The Mondragon Cooperatively owned corporation started in the Basque region of Spain has hierarchical job stratification, but the ownership is cooperative based on one member one vote. So the members vote on their wages. 

They own factories including a factory that makes machines for other factories, a basque language newspaper, grocery stores and a university. They also train and rehire laid off workers. 

They charge their members 15,000 to join. 



Retail and Food coops: in Ithaca New York 

Central Coop in Tacom and Seattle.

Puget Consumers Coop)

Park Slope Brooklyn

Recreational Equipment Incorporated 


Credit Unions   

Alternatives Federal Credit Union

Boeing Employees Credit Union

Salaal (fromerly Group Health)

Seattle Metropolitan Credit Union

ACU America’s credit Union